Urban Hinterland

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Vest, Scarf, Hat and Belt: Forever 21. Sweater, Coat and Gloves: H&M. Jeans: Old Navy. Booties: Gojane.com. Bag: Urban Outfitters.

Today was the coldest I’ve ever experienced in DC, so I bundled up in winter essentials reminiscent of the Maine wilderness, which is where I spent many chilly months exploring as a kid. The fur, plaid, and LL Bean Duck Boot inspired heels remind me of how great my childhood was, and how one day (not anytime TOO soon) I would like to live in Maine again.

I would also like to give special thanks to Luke, my boyfriend, who is responsible for almost all of the photographs on my blog. I couldn’t do it without him. Happy 6 months baby!

As always, thanks for reading!




Cool Prepster









Jacket and Scarf: TJ Maxx. Sweater: Gap. Pants: H&M. Loafers and Backpack: Urban Outfitters. Beanie and Jewelry: Forever 21.

Today I ran some errands and went shopping. It was quite windy, so instead of trying to tame my hair I just threw a beanie on and called it a day. If you’re familiar with GW, you’ll find A LOT of preppy kids around campus. Thing is, I tend to lean in the opposite direction. However, I found a happy medium with this preppy meets urban look. What do you think?

Thanks for checking out my post!



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Coat and Cardigan: H&M. Shirt, Booties and Beanie: Forever 21. Jeans: Old Navy. Backpack: Amerileather. Belt: Abercrombie

It’s been raining for a few days now and I’m sick of it! Today I went to class and ran errands, so I kept it simple with I comfy, winter neutrals, but added some sparkle with my sequin top.

Thanks for reading!


Colorful Knits

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Coat: Forever 21; Sweater, Tights, and Belt: Express; Skirt: Urban Outfitters; Booties: Chinese Laundry; Gloves: H&M; Hat and Scarf: Old Navy

Today I decided to keep it cozy with all knits! To counteract this cold and dreary day, I wore jewel tone accessories. I tend to be very matchy-matchy in my outfits, but perhaps this blog is bringing out a more daring side of me. Nonetheless, this look is warm and comfortable, and in my opinion, pretty damn chic too. 🙂

Thanks for reading!


Nordic Winter







Vest: Gap; Sweater: Old Navy; Pants, Scarf and Gloves: H&M; Boots: Gojane.com; Bag: vintage; Hat: Forever 21

Today I wore this cozy ensemble to run errands and managed to stay warm–which is nearly impossible in Maine during winter. I think the gray vest and boots play well with the nordic sweater and icy blue scarf to create a distinctly wintery outfit. Let me know what you think!

Thanks for visiting,
